Monday, 29 August 2011

Fire Action Week ,Command and Control Arrangements

Fire Action Week:
This week, the Government announced that Fire Action Week in Victoria will be from 13th to 20th November.  The week will culminate in “CFA Sunday” on 20th November.  CFA Sunday will be an opportunity for CFA Brigades to open their doors, invite the community in to see what we do, and to celebrate the values and men and women who are the CFA.  The CFA is providing funding to support brigades host a barbeque on CFA Sunday. 

State Bushfire Command And Control Arrangements:
Recently the State Fire Control Team and the Fire Services Commissioner signed off on the revised arrangements for bushfire command and control for this fire season.  I commend the document to you and encourage you to thoroughly read and familiarise yourself with the arrangements found at: 

Chief Officer’s Newsletter #28.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Minutes August Group Meeting 2011

VFVB – M Jones
·       Guest speaker Hans van Hammond spoke about the deeds. Motions were put before the Board and passed re lack of confidence relating to consultation/ representation of volunteers. Meeting to be held with Government representatives to discuss.
·       A digital recording device with software used at meetings was described
·       Fire service levy – referred to documentation
·       22nd Sept meeting in Benalla re the Jones Inquiry. Bookings to M Jones
·       OH&S – mod on seatbelt arrangement for tankers was described
·       Issue re fill points on water tanks was detailed

Group Officer - R Neely
·       OH&S – other people who have helped on the fire ground in the past need training. Types of possible training eg DSE short course for wildlife rescue etc were discussed. The organization has to give as much protection as possible.
·       Structure fire at Merrijig – the tanker must roll first
·       Radio support – the Group command vehicle aims to reach the fire as quickly as possible to assist in dissemination of information.
·        CFA Board meeting in Wangaratta on Monday – A Edwards and R Neely to attend.
·       Exercises – Alexandra with Mansfield not to be on the Long Weekend this year. Benalla also interested in joining in Group exercise.

Coms Officer – R Gardiner
·       Hand pieces on the radios are not waterproof
·       Radio channels are not corresponding to Mansfield’s

Ops Officer – P Horton
·       See attached
·       Grass fires – look out for areas that are drying out. These can be mapped in Wangaratta.
·       Sect 29s have been of a good standard. Most problems result from forgetfulness
·       VESEP – Brigades can pool the grant money within the group which could give a better result, if desired.
·       IMFP landscape maps divided Mansfield Municipality into 5 areas. Brigade Captains in each area are to meet under the chair of a DGO to flesh out details listed in the attached report. The aim is to have this complete by next meeting and to be in operation for the 11/ 12 fire season.

Broadband Service – R Coates
·       R Coates read a letter to the Group in which he outlined the short comings of the current Broadband service in the Mansfield area and some of the consequences of this in terms of protection of the community in times of fire or other emergencies.
·       Discussion was held re the operations with which the CFA was connected that were affected by the situation and possible recipients of a letter of concern in addition to those outlined in the letter, including .the MFPC.
·       Motion was put to the meeting that: “The Mansfield Fire Brigades Group expresses its concern at the unsatisfactory broadband services and requests an urgent review of the situation.”   Proposed R Coates    Seconded: S Wadsworth.   Carried

Barjarg Training August 2011

Correct use of a dry chemical extinguisher.
 From a distance  of about 2 metres and upwind aim at the base of the fire.

Use a sweeping motion  and keep discharging until certain that re ignition won't occur.It is wise to have a backup plan to deal with re ignition if the dry chemical attack fails .
The powder in the extinguisher is sodium bicarbonate( baking soda) it releases carbon dioxide when heated and the powder starves the fire of oxygen.
The propellant is nitrogen .
Once a dry chemical extinguisher has been used ,even slightly the propellant will bleed off over a few hours  and it must be serviced after this . Always check the pressure gauge of any extinguisher you are about to use . 
 A 9 kg. extinguisher will discharge for between 60 and 90 seconds 
These  extinguishers make a huge mess  in a confined space , consider using a "flame blanket " for small cooking fires . Large commercial kitchen  fires should be dealt with by a wet chemical extinguisher .

The brigade also practiced using a variety of  foam branches and a  simulated  MCAwith a trapped occupant

Monday, 22 August 2011

Advance Crew 2011

Here is the first installment of the Advance crew updates for 2011, the crew has been running for the past month

So far the crew have studied:
Prespond to Wildfire
Fire Science
Elements of Fire behaviour
Combat Wildfire
Work in teams
Maintain safety
Taking refuge in a Life Threatening situation
Hazards relating to wildfire
Personal Safety
Managing Health Hazards

Some of the practicals they have been perticipating in are:

Tanker Familarisation

Taking Refuge

Operate pumps

Small gear/hydrants/rakehoes

A/Class foam

Some special guests to attend the training have been David Kilpatrick (District 23 Wildfire instuctor), Paul Horton (District 23 Operations Officer)

Theory trainers have been Neville Mathieson, Mary Anne Egan, Stuart Evans, Andrew Peachey, more to come when holidays are over.

Practical trainers Chris Badrock, Chris Brett, Howard Hey, Brad Plumridge, Roy Grafton to name a few.

This Friday 26th the students will be conducting draughting with tankers from a static supply most likely the collar tank.

More Pics and details to follow in the coming weeks

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Book a Burn

On the 5th August, the Mansfield and Tolmie tankers were called out to a grass fire on the Mansfield- Whitfield Rd. Someone was burning off and was reported by a passing motorist via mobile phone. If the person who was responsible had contacted the Dept of Emergency Services reporting their intention to light the fire, considerable time and energy would have been saved. All they needed to do was :-
·         Ring Book a Burn
·         Phone No 1800 668 511
·         Give the details requested by the operator
If the fire is then reported, it is checked against the “booking” and no further action is required. Perhaps this service is not widely publicized. It might be useful to pass the phone number to others in your community.

Sharron Jones

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Fire on Farm Land

Dear Roger,
Would you please add the following to the blog?

In the Newsletter  #26 form the Chief Officer there is an announcement of the availability of the revised version of the CFA booklet On the Land. It provides guidelines on agricultural fire management. It includes such topics as fuel breaks, machinery, electric fencing, managing hay and much more.

Sharron Jones

Friday, 5 August 2011

News from Sharon

Dear Roger,
Would you please mind posting the following two entries on the blog? They are from Newsletter #25  from the Chief Officer. As yet, I have not got a gmail address confirmed.

National Cadet Championships.
One Junior per district along with eight Junior Leaders will be selected to spend a week in Sydney to attend the National Cadet Championships in October. This will incorporate two days of sightseeing, including climbing the Harbour Bridge. Expression of interest forms can be found on Brigades on Line.

Recognizing CFA Service During the 2009 Bushfires
A campaign badge is about to be struck for members who served in the fires of 2009. Should you wish one, they can be ordered either through your Brigade Secretary of you can email your name, Brigade and contact details to

Sharron Jones
Secretary M’field Gp