Friday, 24 February 2012

From Group Training Officer
Following on from the report at the last group meeting I have secured the Wang. training ground for Sunday 15th of April from 8.00 to 15.30 hr.The only problem is that they can only cater for 16 people so at this stage I`m looking at two nominations from each brigade. The day will be aimed at Crew leaders and new members. I will be contacting brigade captains next week but if you read this please email me your nominations as it will save a phone call and give your brigade a better chance of getting a place in case there are to many nominations.

I will be in touch
John Valcich
email [ ]

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Setting Changes

The settings to access the mansfieldgroupcfa blog have been changed so that it can now be found by a search engine . There has been criticism regarding the difficulty in logging on to see the site . The confidentiality which was there has now gone as a consequence of the change . If you don't agree with the change please say so .

District 23 Ops Manager Report and Update

For easy access to what is happening in our district and for the You Tube report by Stewart Kreltsheim log onto his site . No pass words required .

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Grassland Curing

This as you can see is a map of grassland curing . It gives an idea of how dry the grass is and therefore how well it will burn .As you can see with the exception of some of the high country and Gippsland the fuel i.e. grass is ready to go! What is also important is that there is a lot of grass and it is quite high .