Thursday 15 December 2011

Practical Preparation, Positive Action, Pure Survival at Maindample

Media Release Mansfield Group: 14/12/2011

Tom Condon Media liaison Officer Hume Region

Ian Cheeseman, Captain of the Maindample Rural Fire Brigade proposed to the Shire of Mansfield at a recent Municipal Fire Prevention Committee meeting that the Brigade wished to do a burn off around the Maindample Township. Long grass, particularly along the rail trail, presented a real threat to the safety of residents and ‘rail trailers’.

An unqualified agreement to do so was given by the committee and a request to do so as quickly as possible.

Recent rains had provided extensive growth with much of the grass over 150cm high and with no stock now grazing the land due to the rail trail an enormous fuel load had built up.

Ian engaged the services of the shire, Barjarg Rural Fire Brigade, Bonnie Doon Rural Fire Brigade and a number of members with private ‘Slip on” vehicles to ensure the citizenry’s safety during the burn off.

For new Barjarg members it was an introduction to practical asset and people protection.

Set into action about 10 hectares were safely cleared in about 2 hours with no environmental damage as members protected some old trees in primarily grassland.

This activity really highlighted the benefits of Brigades proactively protecting the community. It is a positive side that brigades could well actively promote in the future.

Thanks Ian, three years of lobbying achieved your desire for a safer community.

You really embodied the Prepare, Act, Survive message of the CFA.

Tom Condon

CFA Media Relations Officer

CFA Hume Region

ID 7902661

Ph / Fax 03 57787726


Thursday 1 December 2011

Group Exercise: Feed back and CPR Training

If you were involved in the Group Exercise and you would like to give some feedback click on the  comments section and have a say .

Do you think all CFA members should know basic CPR ? When I ask a member of the public what is  their expectation is of a CFA member  re . CPR  they think that basic CPR  would be a part of our training . Try asking a friend etc. see what they think .
 Make a comment please .