Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Group Training

Minimum Skills Training will start in Mansfield on Monday 7th of November any new member who wishes to become operational must attend. All currently trained members my also attend as part of their skills maintenance. See your Captain for course schedule or you can contact me on
0428 992 039.
The group exercise will be held on Sunday 4th December, we would like a full strike team plus one or two slip-on's so please let me know if you wish to attend. We will also have the Div Comm operational so any one endorsed as a Div Comm operator who would like to tack part let me know.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Chief Officer's Newsletter # 29

“Well done!” also, to SSO Greg Chapman, LFF Steve Brodie and FF Alex Batty from Hallam Station who arrived at a washaway to find a victim in cardiac arrest. They took over CPR from bystanders and used recently gained Emergency Management Response training to use their defibrillator to shock the patient twice to get his heart back into normal rhythm, followed by CPR until the arrival of a MICA unit. Their actions combined with the early intervention of a bystander performing CPR prior to their arrival have saved the patients life.

* This is extremely timely given the discussions re the purchase of a Defibrillator by the Mansfield Group.


Take C!

Monday, 19 September 2011

Advance Crew 2011 team Challenge

During one prac session we like to have a team challenge this allows the winning team(s) to have bragging rights, and also a prize.

Two challenges were "walk the plank" and "hose lay "

The Winning teams were Barjarg and Jamieson.

Advance Crew 2011 Pracs

We work in these teams when we are doing our CFA training. It is good to have teams because it helps us work together. We’ve worked in these teams since the start of our CFA adventures and will continue to do so.
Bonnie Doon

- Jameson: Luca Cherubin
-Barjarg: Jordy Maloney

Advance Crew 2011 Pracs

August 26th- Drafting Day

The year nine and ten CFA crew of Mansfield Secondary College today learnt about drafting and the procedures it involves. Each team member participated in the practical session where they pumped water out of a collar tank, and into the trucks. The CFA volunteers showed the students how drafting is orchestrated and highlighted its importance.

(Melanie Challen)

Friday, 9 September 2011

Automatic External Defibrillators and CPR

There has been discussion on the merits of purchasing an Automatic External Defibrillator ( A E D) for the Group Command Vehicle .  There is little doubt that an AED is life saving if used with in 5 minutes of a cardiac arrest . After this time despite  CPR the probability of a successful out come drops dramatically .The majority of cardiac arrests are due to ischaemic heart disease , a blocked vessel to the heart . There are a number of other causes but virtually none of these can be resolved in the field with the exception of electrocution.
In rural Australia the survival rate following a cardiac arrest is less than 5 %.
A collapse from a cardiac event is often preceded by a brief period of distress followed by collapse to the ground, breathing is often absent or it may be gasping . There is no time to waste , do not bother feeling for a pulse .
 If a collapse is witnessed the following should occur in this order , initiate  000 call ,ensure personal safety .  Commence immediate chest compressions  30 ,at least 5 cm depression .mid chest position,rate of 100 per minute .Then if not alone check airway ,tilt head back and give 2 expired air breaths .Recommence chest compressions immediately  . Ensure that the chest recoils completely .If alone do not attempt rescue breathing maintain  chest compressions . If you are alone it is going to be VERY difficult .
If an AED  is available use it ASAP avoiding as far as possible any interruptions to chest compressions .
You will do no harm in undertaking CPR on a collapsed patient who didn't need it . Most will die despite of your very best efforts but you will have given them their best chance .
Watch the video on the use of an AED for you may be called to use one .

Automatic External Defibrillator Demonstration

This is a brief demonstration .Although training aids confidence it is not absolutely necessary.Follow the instructions and know how to undertake chest compressions .

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Problems posting or commenting

Some may experience problems with posting or commenting and it appears that Internet Explorer may be the cause of these .Try using Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser .