Friday, 9 September 2011

Automatic External Defibrillators and CPR

There has been discussion on the merits of purchasing an Automatic External Defibrillator ( A E D) for the Group Command Vehicle .  There is little doubt that an AED is life saving if used with in 5 minutes of a cardiac arrest . After this time despite  CPR the probability of a successful out come drops dramatically .The majority of cardiac arrests are due to ischaemic heart disease , a blocked vessel to the heart . There are a number of other causes but virtually none of these can be resolved in the field with the exception of electrocution.
In rural Australia the survival rate following a cardiac arrest is less than 5 %.
A collapse from a cardiac event is often preceded by a brief period of distress followed by collapse to the ground, breathing is often absent or it may be gasping . There is no time to waste , do not bother feeling for a pulse .
 If a collapse is witnessed the following should occur in this order , initiate  000 call ,ensure personal safety .  Commence immediate chest compressions  30 ,at least 5 cm depression .mid chest position,rate of 100 per minute .Then if not alone check airway ,tilt head back and give 2 expired air breaths .Recommence chest compressions immediately  . Ensure that the chest recoils completely .If alone do not attempt rescue breathing maintain  chest compressions . If you are alone it is going to be VERY difficult .
If an AED  is available use it ASAP avoiding as far as possible any interruptions to chest compressions .
You will do no harm in undertaking CPR on a collapsed patient who didn't need it . Most will die despite of your very best efforts but you will have given them their best chance .
Watch the video on the use of an AED for you may be called to use one .

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